I see an incredible amount of writing from lots of different people. You can tell what is happening in the writer's mind from the tone of the person’s writing. The ability to write well is important especially if you are going through a difficult time at work and you are vulnerable to getting fired due to recession.
You cannot help how you feel about a particular series of events. However, you can control your response to them. The subconscious mind is so powerful that you cannot fool it. Your body acts according to the state your mind is in. If you feel depressed, your writing reflects your inner mood.
Be aware that having a positive emotion can really help project a more positive view for the reader. For example, if you have a sales letter or CV writing, one of the best things you can do is identify where you are at your best. While some write better at night, others write in early morning when they are most alert and positive. Never write when you feel tired. Writing a letter when you are tired will turn off your readers as you end up using language that might be inappropriate.
The best writers of all generations have always put something of themselves in their writing. By being sincere, you connect with your reader in a powerful way. Try to make your writing memorable. Connect with your audience on an emotional level.
Results come from taking some incredible risks. Make the effort to really connect with your reader so that you will stand out from the crowd. This is particularly important especially if you are writing a resume. It is designed to sell to an employer, so the connection is vital. In fact, it is often sets the difference between getting an interview or a rejection letter.