Dolls are wonderful teaching tools for kids because it enables them to open up and interact with the real world. Dolls come in different shapes, colours and sizes. Some dolls are male others are female. Dolls are perfect teaching aids and can effectively help your children to communicate well and succeed in school. Let us systematically examine the various forms dolls take:
Dolls as babies-playing with baby dolls teaches children future parenting skills, the children learn how to cuddle, how to be gentle, how to bathe, how to advice, warn and even discipline.
Dolls indirectly teach children how to demonstrate and show love. Parents can also show their love to their children by telling them they appreciate the way they handle their babies “dolls.”
Anatomically correct toy dolls teach children about the difference between girls and boys as well as assisting them learn names of the body parts. This is particularly important because most parents shy away from explaining about some body parts to children. For instance it is difficult for most parents to teach children about their sexual organs leave alone telling the names of the organs.
Barbies or action figure dolls provide an opportunity for play to both girls and boys without gender issues coming in. Barbies have their own world. They go to school, have careers, drives a car among many things. It is a show of social scenarios the children will encounter in future and it is perfect for them to learn in advance. Parents can participate in play with their children in order to help them learn more. For instance a father can role play with his son on how to take care of the baby doll or how to use the correct terms for the body parts. Giving both girls and boys access to various dolls and using them to teach and communicate can be positive and valuable to the development of the child.
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