Conflict Management: Training In Social Skills

on Wednesday, May 11, 2011

help with stress
Disagreements or disputes define our daily lives, whether on private or professional level. How to deal positively and de-escalating conflicts, can be learned in seminars.

Where people live and work together, it always comes back to conflicts, disagreements, arguments, rivalries are just a few possible forms. This can burden a person very much and in professional life, reduce one’s productivity considerably. The job can be affected by a conflict between two colleagues, the whole team. The operating air flow suffers and it takes too much energy into personal animosities rather than the professional task itself.

People tend to take objective criticism quickly in person. They react offended and affected, but are not able to constructively deal with it and accept the criticism as an opportunity to improve. It also comes in all human relationships and emotional conflict of any kind - either because misinterpretation or simply two people with fundamentally different views. Especially in such cases, it is important to separate the factual level from the emotional level, even if it is difficult. This includes the behavior of his opponent and his own to observe and relate to, not all expressions or statements are not to be taken in full. For example, the perceived unfriendliness of a colleague does not mean that he or she has a problem with the affected employees because this unfriendliness may entirely be behind a different concern which is more of a private matter.

The proper, constructive and de-escalating conflict management can be learned in practice and seminars. These seminars are useful not only for managers but also for employees who want to improve the working atmosphere and thus the productivity of labor.


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